Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam
Srirangam Srimadh Andavan Ashramam has been an institution for more than three centuries in nurturing and furthering Acharya Ramanuja's and Swami Vedanta Desika's doctrine of Vishishtadvaita. The institution traces its roots to Swami Vedantha Desika through Saakshaath Swami and to Acharya Ramanuja through Kidambi Aachaan and Kurukesha a.k.a. Thirukkuruhaipiraan Pillaan (direct disciples and Simhasanaadhipathis of Acharya Ramanuja). The head of the institution is known as "Andavan" or "Andavan Swamigal", a name that is believed to be given by Lord Ranganatha himself to the first Seer.
Srirangam Srimadh Andavan Ashramam is among the Srivaishnava Acharya Lineage that follow Sri Vedanta Desika as the torch bearer of Sri Ramanuja's teachings. Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashram has a huge following in India and has an unbroken lineage of acharyas since its founding almost 300 years ago, who dedicated themselves to spread the teachings of Vaishanavite Saint, Sri Ramanuja(1017 AD - 1139 AD). Sri Ramanuja's teachings stresses on absolute surrender to the supreme being Lord Sriman Narayana for one's soul to break the cycle of repeated births and deaths and to attain Moksha at the end of this birth to eternally serve Lord Sriman Narayana. The main activities of the institution include conducting sacraments of Samashrayanam and Bharanyasam, Kalakshepams (higher spiritual lessons), Vedic and Western education through Patashalas and secular colleges, managing and funding various temples and Divya Desams, spreading Ramanuja siddhantham through its various centers.
Srimath Srimushnam Andavan Sri Ranga Ramanuja Maha Desikan
The Current Pontiff:
The current pontiff is His Holiness Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan (Srimushnam Andavan), a scholar (with traditional doctoral-equivalents) in Nyaya (roughly translates to Absolute Righteousness) and Tarka (Logic), with additional specializations and proven talent in Alankara Shaastra (worship and decoration of deities), Ayurveda, Astrology, Music, Sculpting, Poetry, Dramatics etc. He is also an expert in languages like Sanskrit, Tamil and Telugu. The official websites of the Ashramam are and
VedhAntha lakshmana muneendra krupAtthabOdham
ThadpAdha yugmasaraseeruha brungha rAjam
Thraiyantha yugma kruthaboori parisramamtham
Sriranga lakshmana munim saranam prapadhyE
We prostrate at the holy feet of Sri Ranga Ramanauja Maha Desikan who had his Bhara samarpanam at the holy feet of Vedhantha Ramanuja Maha Desikan. Having gained with enormous involvement, the wealth of Sri sampradayic knowledge/Ubhaya Vedhantham granthas from his Acharya, he whirrs as a honeybee at His lotus feet. Salutations to Srimath Ranga Ramanuja maha Desikan.
Srimath Mysore Andavan Sri Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Srimath Srivasa yOgeeswara munikarunAlabdha vEdhantha yugmam
Srimath vEdhantha rAmAnuja gurupadhayorarpitha swAthma bhAram
Srimath srudhyantha rAmAnuja yathi nrupathE:prAptha mOkshasramam tham
Srimath SrivAsa rAmanuja munimaparam samsrayE gnanavArthim
I resort to sri Srinivasa Ramanuja Maha Desikan (Mysore Andavan) who is the ocean of sampradAyaika gnanam, and Who had studied ubayaVedhantha granthas at the holy feet of Akkur Andavan Srimath Srinivasa Maha Desikan, and Who had his Bhara samarpanam done by Nammandavan Srimad Vedhantha Ramanuja Maha Desikan) and Who was ordained into sanyasa Asram by srimad Vedhantha Ramanuja Maha Desikan (Thirukkudanthai Andavan).
Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan Sri Vedhantha Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Srimath vedhantha ramanuja munikarunalabdha vedhantha yugmam
Srimath Srivasa yogeeswara gurupadhayorarpithaswathma bharam
Srimath Sri ranganathahvaya munikrupaya praptha mokshasramam tham
Srimath Vedhantha ramanuja munimaparam samsraye desikendram
I resort to Acharya srimadh Vedhantha Ramanuja Maha Desikan (Thirukkudanthai Andavan) who studied Ubaya Vedhantha granthas under the holy feet of Vedhantha Ramanuja Maha Desikan (Nammandavan) who had his Bhara samarpanam (prapatti) done by HH Srinivasa Maha Desikan (Akkur Andavan) and who was ordained into Mokshasramam by the grace and Kataksham of HH Ranganatha Maha Desikan (Thembirai Andavan).
Thenbirai Andavan Sri Ranganatha Mahadesikan
Srimath VEdha vathamsa lakshmana munehe praapthaaga maantha dvayam
ThEna Sri raghu punga vangri yugaLe nyasthaathma Rakshaambharam
Srimath Srinidhi yogivarya karuna labdaabhja chakraangkanam
Vande shanthi virakhthi poornamanagham Sri ranga naatham Gurum
I Prostrate at the holy feet of guru, Ranganatha who dispels the darkness of my ignorance, who possesses limitless saintly qualities like Gnanam, Santham, Virakthi, Vairakyam, and Anagam (blemishless) Who studied ubhaya Vedhantha Kalekshepams under the holyfeet of Srimadh Vedhantha Ramanuja Maha Desikan (Nammandavan) & thru his grace, was submitted at divine feet of Vaduvur Lord Raghunatha and Who was initiated into Sanyaasaasramam and Acharyatvam by the incessant grace and sympathetic kataaksha of Srimath Srinivasa yogi (Aakkur Andavan).
Srimath Aakkur Andavan Sri Srinivasa Mahadesikan
Srimath vEdhaantha Raamaanuja yathi nrupathEr labdha vEdhaantha yugmam
Srimath dEvaadhinEthu ChCharana sarasijE thEna daththaathma Baaram
Srimath Srivaasa yogeeshwara mahitha mahaa sampradaayaika nishtam
VandhE Srivaasa yogeeshwara gurumanagam vathsalam Bhavyasheelam
I prostrate at the holy feet of Srivaasa maha desikan, who is blemishless, possessing saintly qualities like vathsalyam, simplicity and Who had studied vedhantha Kalakshepa granthas at the feet of Vedhantha RamanujA Mahadesikan (Nammandavan) and Who was ordained to Atma samarpanam at the divine feet of Kanchi Devaadhi Devan by His Holinesss Nammandavan and the one who propagated the great sathsampradhaya nurtured by Sri Srinivasa Maha Desikan (Peria Andavan).
Srimath Therazhundur Andavan Srimath Vedatha Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Srimath Srivasa yogeeshwara padhavinatham labdha vEdhaantha yugmam
Sri paadooSEvi raamaanuja munithilakaath thathpadha nyastha Baaram
Srimath Srivasa raamaanuja munimaNEr labda mokshaasramam tham
Srimath vEdhaantha raamaanuja yathi nrupathim sumsrayE gnyana vaardhim
I resort to Srimad Vedhantha Ramanuja muni, (Nammandavan) who is the chakravarthy among yatheeswaras, possessing ocean of knowledge,Who prostrated repeatedly Srimad Peria Andavan in young age and Who studied Ubhaya vedhanthas at the holy feet of Chinnandavan and was also ordained to Bhara samarpanam by the same Acharya , srimad Paduka sevvaka Ramanujan (chinna Andavan) and was initiated into Tureeysramam by Srinivasa Ramanuja Muni (Kadanthethy Andavan).
Srimath Kadanthethi Andavan Srimath Srinivasa Ramanuja mahadesikan
Srimath Srivasa yogi pravarasa kaaruNa paanghasanghaadha BHangaath
VEdhaantha dvandva vidhya madhu rasa lahari chchanchari kaayamaaNaha
THEnaachaaryENa ranga prabhu charaNa yugE daththa rakshaa BharaSri:
Srimath Srivasa raamaavaraja muNimaNis santhatham srEyasE syaath
May that Srimath Srinivasa Ramanuja maha Desikan, who is a jem among sanyasis, bless ever for our prosperity, who by the incessant grace of the sympathetic look of Srimath Srinivasa yogi (Peria Andavan) emerged as a hovering bee, sipping the stream of honey from the ubhaya vedanta vidya, and who was ordained into bharanyasam in the divine feet of Lord Ranganatha by the same Peria Andavan.
Srimath Chinnandavan Srimath Paduka Sevka Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Sriman natha muneendra yaamuna muni Srisamya mindraathmanaha
Sri Srivasa muneendra dEsika maNE: praapthaaga maanthath dvaya
Sri rangEsha padhE thadharpithaBHaram Sri paadukasevaka
Sri raamaanuja yoginam guruvaram vandhe dayaasaagaram
I Pay my obeisance to Sri PAduka sEvaka Sri RamAnuja muni, the greatest of Gurus and who is verily an ocean of compassion, the one who acquired knowledge of Ubhaya vedhantham from the great teacher, Sri Srinivasa Muni, (Peria Andavan) the incarnation of Nathamuni, Yamunamuni, Ramanuja muni , and who had BharasamarpaNam at the feet of Lord Sri RanganAtha, done by Peria Andavan.
Srimath Periandavan Srimath Srinivasa Mahadesikan
Sri rangesa padhe samarpitha Bharam sruthyantha ramanuja
Sri yogeendra guruththamena yaminash sruththyantha vidhyathmana:
PrAptha sruthya vathamsa yughma hrudhayam Srivasa ramanujath
Sri Srivasa muneendra desika manim sreyo nidhim samsraye
I resort to Srivasa Munindra Desika who is the storehouse of Sreyas, (prosperity) who did his Bharasamarpanam at the feet of Ranganatha, by the grace of Vedhandha RamanujA (vazhuthur Andavan) and who had learnt all about Ubhaya Vedhantha from his Guru Srinivasa ramaanujA (thiruthuripoondi Andavan) to whose heart resort all the Srutis.
Srimath Thiruthuraipoondi Andavan Srimath Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Srimath gOpAla soorEr niravadhi karuNAvAptha sathsampradAyam
Srimath vEdhAntha rAmAnuja yathinrupathis sarvatha: sTHApayithvA
Yasmin sathsampradAyam sakalamupadhishan amsathO nupravishTa:
Srimath sreevasa raamAnuja munimanagham tham BHajE dEsikEndhram
I pay my profound respects, to the blemish less Srimad Srinivasa Ramanuja Muni, who was the recipient of the limitless mercy of Srimad Gopaala suri (Gopalarya maha Desikan , Thirukkudanhai Desikan )and who was nominated by the King among Yathis. Sri Vedhantha Ramanuja muni who established the sat sampradhaayaa all around and who taught him all that one should know about our satsampradayam , and who appeared to have reincarnated in him.
Srimath Vazhuthur Andavan Srimath Vedantha Ramanuja Mahadesikan
GOpaala dEsika pathaabhja madhuvrathasya
Pragnyaa virakhthi karuNaa muKHa sath guNaabhDHe:
VEdaantha lakshmana munE sritha BHaagha DHEyam
Paadhaara vindha yugaLam sharanam prapadhyE
I surrender at the lotus feet of Vedanta Lakshmana Muni who was like a bee sucking the honey at the lotus feet of Gopala Desikar, who was endowed with a sea of auspicious attributes, knowledge, detachment and compassion who showers beneficial qualities to those who take refuge at him.
Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan Srimath Gopalarya Mahadesikan
Sri krishna dEsika padhaamBHuja brunga raajam
VEdaantha lakshmana muneendra krupaaththa bOdham
Thraiyantha dEsika yatheendra shaTaarimoorthim
GOpaala dEsika shikhaamaNi maasrayaamaha
Like a bee which goes after the lotus for nectar, He went after the feet of Sri Krishna Desikan (who was his Father) and had his Pancha Samskaram and Veda Adhyayanam under him. He absorbed Vedhantha gnanam from Vedhantha Lakshmana Muni(Sakshath Swamy). He is an embodiment of three great acharyas Swami Desikan, Sri Ramanuja and Swami Nammazhwar. We seek refuge and prostrate such a great acharya Srimath Gopalarya Maha Desikan.
Swami Desikan
SrimAn vEnkatanAthArya: kavitharkika kEsari
vEdhAnthachArya varyOmE sannidhathAm sadhA hrudhi
Sri dEsika who is blessed by goddess sri, and who has aquired the highest status in Imparting scriptures and sAsthras and who was a lion among dialecticians, should dwell in our hearts for ever and ever (May the glorious Venkatanatha,the greatest of teachers of Vedanta,and the Lion among poets and debaters,reside forever in my heart Another one was by his disciple Brahma Tantra Swatantra which says:-
Bhagavadh Sri Ramanuja (Sri Bhashyakarar)
yo nithyamaccyuta padAmbujayugmarukma
vyAmohatastaditarANi truNAyamene
asmadguror bhagavatosya dayaika sindho:
rAmAnujasya caraNau sharaNam prapadye
That Ramanuja who every day due to the great love for the golden color of the Lord's divine feet, thinks of the things other than those divine feet as nothing and ignores them; I seek the divine feet of that Ramanuja, who is our acharya, who is complete in all divine and auspicious qualities, and who is the ocean of mercy, as the means.
Sri Alavandar (Sri Yamunacharya)
Vigahe yamunam tırtham saadhu brundaavane sthitam
Nirasta jihmaga sparse yatra krushna krutadarah
We shall bathe in the holy waters of Sri Yamunacharya (Sri Alavandar), who has severed all connections with mean passions and attachment, who stood steadfast in safeguarding the Saadhus, and in whom the things emphasized by Krishna were present perfectly.
Sriman Nathamunigal
Nathena munina tena bhaveyam nathavanaham
yasya naigamikam tattvam. hastamalakatam gatam
I hold as my Natha (master) the seer Nathamuni, in whose hands the essential crux of the Vedas acquired a clarity of understanding - to call it HasthAmalaka, as one would say with this Natha available for me, I cannot be an "anaatha" (forlorn).
Swami Nammazhwar
mAtApitA yuvatayas tanaya vibhUti:
sarvam yadeva niyamena madanvayAnAm
Adyasya na: kulapather vakuLAbhirAmam
shrimat tadanghri yugaLam praNamAmi mUrdhnA
That Azhvar's divine feet which is forever mother, father, wife, children, wealth and everything else for those with me; that Azhvar who is the leader of our community who is beautifully adorned with the vakuLa flowers; I worship with my head his divine feet that shine forever.
SriRanga Mani Paduka
lakshminAthasamArambhAm nAthayAmunamadhyamAm
asmadAcArya paryantAm vande guru paramparAm
I salute that acharya lineage that has Sriman Narayana at the beginning, Sriman Nathamunigal and Alavandar in the middle, and my acharya Swami Ramanuja at the end.